I just delivered my qualifying painting for a juried show at the Birds of Vermont Museum. The show, Fine Feathers: at play with structure and function, opened May first, 2022. My entry highlights cool morning light on the emerging feathers of this barred owlet.
This little owlet and her sibling were calling at the entrance to old town road at Merck Forest and Farmland center, not far from my home in West Pawlet. Kate and I couldn't identify it at first, but careful scanning of the trees revealed these two recently-fledged barred owlets.
The juvenile call is very different from the "who cooks for you-all" call of the adult birds. Open this link, and select the bottom sound, the juvenile call to hear what we heard on that fine spring morning.
Backlit barred owlet is an acrylic painted on a 10 x 10 inch canvas.